Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I was so excited for Halloween this year. First of all - Owen was old enough to trick-or-treat. We dressed him up last year, and it was cute and fun and all, but I was really excited about taking him trick-or-treating and showing him off :) Another reason is because of our neighborhood. I love our neighborhood. One of the reasons I wanted to move was so we could be in an actual neighborhood, with lots and lots of kids...and Halloween was the perfect time to see that in action!

Trick-or-treating in our 'hood

When we were thinking about/looking for costumes, I quickly realized next year Owen will probably want to have more of an input on what he wants to be for Halloween. So, while we had the chance, we made Owen and Lucas dress up "thematically"...

Lucas, our adorable little bat

Owen - our scary (yet adorable) vampire

The only decent picture we could get of them together in their costumes. Owen is NOT a fan of getting his picture taken with Lucas.


Lucas wasn't too sure about this trick-or-treating business.

The lady at this house dressed up as a bee-keeper and her little dog was a bee. Owen thought this was CRAZY and kept pointing to the dog going "Oh no"

Lucas was very happy to be out of his costume and into his jammies!

Once again, we tried to get a picture of them together in their Halloween pjs, but Owen just wasn't having it.

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