Monday, September 28, 2009

The Burton Boys

A couple of months ago (I know, I know...I need to get with it!), we were finally able to get all of the Burton family together. This was the first time we had a play-date with all four boys! In the past 17 months, there were four new additions to the Burton family, and they were all boys! Zane (17 1/2 months), Jonah (14 month), Owen (10 months), and Anderson (4 months)...CRAZINESS!!

Our play date was too cute!! We definitely have four of the cutest little guys there are! :) It was insanely difficult (okay, it was impossible) to get everyone to look at the camera at the same time...this was the best I could do..

Jonah, Anderson, Owen, and Zane

Four boys and their mommas

Four boys and their papaws

Saturday, September 26, 2009


One of our favorite activities this summer has been going to the playground. There is a really nice, huge playground that is a 10 minute walk from our house, and we love getting out and checking things out. Right now Owen particularly likes the swings, but I think next summer, there will be quite a bit for him to do!

We took him to the playground for the first time in May. It took him a few minutes to warm up to the swings, but once he did, it was non-stop giggles!!

Owen loved the swings the first time he tried them (5 months)

Not quite sure about the slide yet, though (5 months)

We also have played on a playground in Indiana when Aunt Katie and Jonah were visiting. We had a lot of fun there, too! It was really the first time he had been on the playground equipment...not just the swings! :) (Please excuse the camera phone pictures)

Checking out a new playground in Indiana. and kicking mommy's butt at tic-tac-toe (7 1/2 mo)

Jonah showing Owen how to walk across the bridge (7 1/2 months)

I love the playground!!! (7 1/2 months)

I really love the park close to our house. There is so much for kids to do (and I especially love that it's close!). Now that this summer is winding down and fall is fast approaching, I am getting really excited for next summer when Owen will be walking around, exploring all there is to see at the playground!

The little kids playground. There is also a HUGE wood playground for bigger kids.

There is also a splash area with a lot of cool water stuff. *I only mildly felt like a child molester while I was taking pictures of what could have appeared to be other people's children! :)

Still loving the swings! (8 1/2 months)

I don't really know what this thing is, but he LOVES it! :) (8 1/2 months)

Playing in the wooden kitchen (8 1/2 months)

I really can't talk enough about this's so cool. It's called the All-Children's Playground, and the vast majority of it is designed to accommodate children with special needs as well. It's just really cool! :)