Friday, January 30, 2009

Skype-ing it up

It's so crazy to think about how much technology has changed in the last few years - I can't imagine what it will be like for Owen growing up!  He had his first major computer experience last night when we talked to Aunt Katie and cousin Jonah in South Carolina on Skype.  It was too cute! 

Jonah showing Owen his new toy. 

Two cousins chattin' it up

Owen and Jonah won't have to talk on the computer too much longer.  Owen and I are going down to visit Aunt Katie, Uncle Ben, and Jonah in a little over a week.  Please start praying for me that I will be able to handle traveling with a 9 1/2 week old by myself - I am already stressing out about it a little bit! :)  

Monday, January 26, 2009

A parent's dream...

I realize I am totally going to jinx Justin and me by bragging this openly about what I am about to brag about, but I am THAT excited about it :) This past weekend, Owen started sleeping through the night! We usually try to put him down (I hate that phrase - he's totally not an animal!) around 10:00 or 10:30 and he falls asleep in his bassinet about 20 or so minutes after that (if we're lucky). We have been working really hard at trying to get it so he will fall asleep on his own, and most of the time, he does a pretty good job of it. Anyway - Friday night, he didn't wake up until 4:00 Saturday morning; Saturday night, he woke up for the first time at 5:00 Sunday morning; and today he slept until almost 6:00 a.m.!!!

As super excited as I am about these past few nights of sleep bliss, it has honestly freaked the crap out of me. I usually wake up a good 30-45 minutes before Owen does and listen intently for any for any deep sigh or squeak he makes. Once I hear him, I go back to sleep for a few minutes until I wake up again and realize "Oh crap - it's 5:00 and Owen hasn't been awake he still alive?!?!?" Hopefully once mom gets a little more used to her little guy growing up, she will be able to rest a little easier :)

In honor of Owen's sleeping like a big boy, here are some of my favorite Owen sleeping pictures we've captured the last 7 1/2 weeks...

A thoughtful little guy even when he sleeps (10 days old)

He was soooo exhausted on Christmas!! (3 weeks old) 

His sleeping supermodel pose (not quite 3 weeks)

Napping with Daddy (3 1/2 weeks)

Owen's new favorite naptime location (7 weeks)

Sleeping in his bassinet all night long!!  (6 1/2 weeks)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A nice day

It seems like this winter has been especially cold and brutal (or maybe I just can't handle the cold as well in my old age!), but last Friday, we had a weird random quasi-nice day.  It was in the mid-50's, so Owen and I took advantage of the nice change and took our first walk around the neighborhood.  It was so great to get out and get some fresh air, and I was even able to show Owen where he will go to elementary school in a few years!  Unfortunately, our second walk will have to wait, as it was back to the mid-20's the next day. in the midwest!

Bundled up for our walk!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oops, I did it again...

So, it's been weeks since my last post and I have yet to post anything new. I know, I know...I suck. But, Owen and I have been duking it out. We have not quite been getting along with this whole breastfeeding business. When I was pregnant and preparing for Owen's birth, I was certain I was going to breastfeed. There was nothing I wanted more for me and Owen. After six VERY painful, exhausting weeks, we've thrown in the towel. Owen and I had multiple visits to the lactation consultant; I talked to La Leche League (ugh!)...we just could not figure things out! Owen would fight me the entire time and cry and not latch on. I was in extreme pain, and I was flatout exhausted. Most importantly to me, I had no energy to "play" with Owen, so I was worried I was screwing up his development - and that made me more exhausted just worrying about everything!!  After a talk with Owen's pediatrician, Justin and I finally decided it was best to start switching Owen to formula. So, now Owen is on half formula and half breast milk until I stop producing milk - I can't let that stuff go to waste!!!

In the week since we've switched, things have been so much better. Owen seems to actually enjoy eating, and I feel like a new mom! We have been able to "play" a lot more this week, and Owen is loving it. We get to have tummy time, and play on our activity mat (by "we" and "our", I mean "Owen"). I have been reading Jenny McCarthy's book, Baby Laughs, to Owen - he loved the chapter on how babies poop all the time, and all the way up their back. He could totally relate!  How does that happen?!?!

Here are some pics for your viewing enjoyment (although some of them are from a while ago - we've been kind of slacking on our picture taking!) :)

Ever since he was a teeny tiny little guy, Owen loves cuddling with Daddy

Owen's very first tummy time 

A cookie bouquet Owen got when he was born :)

Owen LOVES playing in his bouncy seat.  I feel bad he's in it as much as he is, but it allows me to shower (about every other day), eat lunch, and get a few other things done occaisonally.  Now that he is a little older, he loves the little monkey and frog that's on it and smiles and talks to them.  So freaking cute!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A month already !?!?!

These next few posts are going to be a little chronologically out of order, so bare with me - don't make me show you another picture of my newborn son flipping you off!! But, it is just so crazy to me that Owen has been with us for a month already! In lieu of writing a paragraph of cliche statements ("in some ways it seems like it's been forever, in some ways it's been so fast, etc), I'll just skip to the good parts :)

We took Owen to his one month appointment on Monday, and he is growing like a champ! When he was born, he was 6 lbs, 11 oz. At his appointment, he was a whopping 8 lbs 15 1/2 oz! At birth he was 19 1/2 inches long. Monday, he had grown to 22 inches! Everything else checked out great. He does have a mild case of cradle cap, but I think we about have it taken care of. He had to get his second round of his Hepatitis B vaccine, which was probably the second worst experience of my life (the first being contractions). After the nurse stuck Owen, he opened his mouth like he was going to scream bloody murder, but he just froze for like 10 seconds, like he had no idea what he just experienced. Finally, he let out the loudest, most awful cry he had ever cried. Then, I started to cry - Justin made a pout face, and then started to laugh. Owen handled it well, though. As soon as I picked him up and cuddled him just a little bit, he stopped crying and settled down.

We have definitely learned a lot of our little guy in his first month of life. Some of them include:
  • Owen loves his bouncy seat
  • He loves his car seat and sleeping in the car.  
  • He hates his swing
  • He likes tummy time, but not on the floor - only when it's on mom and dad's chest
  • He LOVES bathtime (but not getting out)

  • He likes to be swaddled when he sleeps (it's the only way he'll sleep without being held), BUT he immediately gets his arms free

  • He farts like a man
  • He makes some crazy noises - he sounds like a teradactyl, shoes squeaking on a basketball court, and air being let out of a balloon. It makes for awesome sleeping for mom and dad :)
  • He enjoys laughing while he is asleep. He hasn't figured out how to do it while awake yet.

I know there are many more things I am not listing, but I am sure you are ready to see the real goods...some pics of Owen.

If this is a 5 on his pout face scale, the one after his shot at the doctor was a 10.

I love my baths!

My car seat puts me in a trance!  

No more pictures please...I need my beauty rest!