Monday, January 26, 2009

A parent's dream...

I realize I am totally going to jinx Justin and me by bragging this openly about what I am about to brag about, but I am THAT excited about it :) This past weekend, Owen started sleeping through the night! We usually try to put him down (I hate that phrase - he's totally not an animal!) around 10:00 or 10:30 and he falls asleep in his bassinet about 20 or so minutes after that (if we're lucky). We have been working really hard at trying to get it so he will fall asleep on his own, and most of the time, he does a pretty good job of it. Anyway - Friday night, he didn't wake up until 4:00 Saturday morning; Saturday night, he woke up for the first time at 5:00 Sunday morning; and today he slept until almost 6:00 a.m.!!!

As super excited as I am about these past few nights of sleep bliss, it has honestly freaked the crap out of me. I usually wake up a good 30-45 minutes before Owen does and listen intently for any for any deep sigh or squeak he makes. Once I hear him, I go back to sleep for a few minutes until I wake up again and realize "Oh crap - it's 5:00 and Owen hasn't been awake he still alive?!?!?" Hopefully once mom gets a little more used to her little guy growing up, she will be able to rest a little easier :)

In honor of Owen's sleeping like a big boy, here are some of my favorite Owen sleeping pictures we've captured the last 7 1/2 weeks...

A thoughtful little guy even when he sleeps (10 days old)

He was soooo exhausted on Christmas!! (3 weeks old) 

His sleeping supermodel pose (not quite 3 weeks)

Napping with Daddy (3 1/2 weeks)

Owen's new favorite naptime location (7 weeks)

Sleeping in his bassinet all night long!!  (6 1/2 weeks)


katie said...

I hate you - I'm so jealous... Can 6 WEEK old Owen teach 6 MONTH old Jonah how to sleep when he comes to vist?

Anonymous said...

Love the pics! Owen is beautiful! You are so lucky with his sleeping!!!!

KARRIE said...

Yea! I'm so happy for you!

And I agree with your mom... Owen really is beautiful, such a good looking little boy.

KARRIE said...

Yea! I'm so happy for you!

And I agree with your mom... Owen really is beautiful, such a good looking little boy.