Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The weekly report...

This morning, Justin and I made our weekly trek to the doctor's office.  Unfortunately, I still don't have anything too significant to report.  I think we are going to have to change Little buddy's nickname to Little stinkpot (that's the G-rated version) or something! :)  The doctor did say he would maybe give me a half of a finger-tip of dilation, but I really think he was just trying to be nice!  

Some good did come from the appointment,  however.  We got a little more definite timeline and plan of things to come.  Next Tuesday - assuming he hasn't come yet -  we have a whole slew of tests to go through (not really - two).  We have an ultrasound scheduled that will make sure Little buddy has enough amniotic fluid for his growing body.  They haven't measured him, but based on how I feel and how I (can't) breathe, we don't have to worry about him being too small!  They will also do a non-stress test for Little buddy.  They will attach a monitor to my belly and basically just monitor his heart for 20 or so minutes just to make sure he's doing alright.  If either of those two tests come back unfavorably, they will go ahead and send me to the hospital.  

If Little buddy makes us all wait until the last possible minute, the doctor said it would most likely be Thursday (Dec. 4th) or Friday (Dec. 5th) that they would get things going.  "Get things going", by the way, means having a vaginal suppository - can't tell you how exited I am for that! After that, it's just a waiting game.  Hopefully he doesn't make us wait too long!!  

Since we don't have any pictures of our beautiful baby boy to post yet, I'll show off our nursery. We are really happy with the way it turned out!  It is so comfortable and we really like being in it.  We can't wait to finally bring Little buddy home to it!   

We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!  We'll be keeping you posted!!  


Our blog said...

Cassie I LOVE the cute! I am so excited for next week and hope you all put up pics! I'll be praying for you all!

Krista said...

Hang in there, Cassie! The end is in sight! We can't wait to meet Little Buddy!