Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's so nice and warm in here, mom!

I think Little buddy must be sensing the freezing cold weather, and is definitely in no big hurry to deal with it!  I went into today's appointment optimistically, even though I hadn't really been feeling any "different".  My doctor gave me a double dose of optimism when she told me about one of her patients who went in on Monday and was not dilated at all and was not thinned out at all, and had her baby the very next day!  I was like "Hallelujah - I might get this guy out in time after all!!"  And then the exam began...

We started out listening to the heartbeat.  Check.  Measuring my belly.  Check.  Now the fun part...the internal exam.  Still not dilated, still not effaced.  UGH!!!  Then, my doctor decided she wanted to do a quick ultrasound because she could not feel any pressure from the little dude's head.  She wanted to make sure he was head down and not breech.  I will not lie to you, at this point, a small part of me was like, "ooh...maybe he will be breech, and they will be like 'okay, he's breech, you're 39 1/2 weeks, let's just go ahead and do a c-section'".  We went in and had a quick scan, and our little guy is head down - just really high and one stubborn little fart. 

I am trying really hard not to get too discouraged.  For the most part, I am still relatively comfortable.  Justin and I have been having some trouble sleeping together (not that kind of "sleeping together", perverts!)  We just seem to have some trouble "running into each other" while we are sleeping.  I woke up twice the other night to Justin asking me to move - one time nicely, the other time not so much - he basically picked up my arm and tossed it to the other side of the bed :)  I have some back pain, but Justin has been awesome at giving me back rubs whenever I ask (and even when I don't!).  I am just so anxious to meet the little guy I can hardly take it!  It's also been hard because there are TWO people I know that have had due dates a week later than mine that have already had their babies.  

Hopefully we'll have some more exciting news for you soon...


Anonymous said...

it won't be too long , and you'll be saying you wish little buddy was back in there!!!! dad

Our blog said...

Hang in there Cassie! Not that I know anything about giving birth...I can't wait to see pictures of the little guy though. Remember in college when we had to watch that childbirth video in Dev. Psych and at least 3 guys ran out of the room but you and Ally were so moved by the video that you cried and I was just utterly horrified by the whole thing...yeah, you'll do fine!