Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday Treat

I know I have been terrible at posting updated pictures of Lucas. He is getting so big already - I can't believe he's already over seven weeks old. He is becoming so interactive with us - smiling, cooing, and even laughing.

Instead of posting some pictures, I have some video!! I hope it makes you smile as much as it makes us :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

5 Years!!!!

So, I am a week late with this post, but last Friday, July 9, was our five-year anniversary. It completely blows my mind that Justin and I have been married for five years. I often see wedding invitations or see pictures frames that say "Today I marry my best friend". Part of me thinks this is kinda corny and cheesy, but the other part of me thinks there couldn't be six words that more perfectly describes how I feel about Justin.

If it's possible, I am more in love with him now more than ever...I love how when he thinks something is really funny, his nose crinkles when he smiles/laughs. I love him for the way he works his butt off to provide for our family so I can stay home and take care of our boys. I love him for how he makes me feel like I am as beautiful as ever (even though it's two kids and a lot of pounds later). I love him for the the way he smiles and laughs when Owen does something funny, and how he coos and talks to Lucas. I love that no matter what, he always puts his family first. I could go on all day, but I'll spare you :)

I couldn't be more thrilled with the life we've built together so far. Sure, we've had our ups and downs, but at the end of the day...I am so blissfully happy and eagerly awaiting the next five years.

July 9, 2005

July 9, 2010

July 9, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Red, Rhythm, and Boom

This past Saturday, Justin, Owen, Lucas, and I went to Mason's annual Fourth of July celebration - Red, Rhythm, and Boom. We had a blast! There were bands playing all day, a petting zoo, pony rides, huge inflatables, and even a toddler play area. We didn't stay for the fireworks, but I think they are a pretty big deal.

Owen had a great time. It was hysterical watching him with the animals!

He liked feeding the goats...

He thought the chickens, ducks, and bunnies were pretty cool...

I was shocked, but he also did great riding the pony. The few times we've tried to put him on a carousel, he has FREAKED out. But, he liked the real thing...

Lucas had to really think about whether or not he was having a good time...

After we conquered the animals, we went over to the toddler play area. Of course Owen had a great time...and he managed not to hit any other kids! That's a major accomplishment these days.

Like pretty much everything else in our life these days, we went to the festival very ill-prepared. Everything was cash-only, and luckily Justin had grabbed $10 before we left the house. (You would think we'd learn our lesson regarding cash from the pumpkin patch!). Not only did we have to creatively purchase dinner for three with a whopping $10...we didn't really think about it being crowded. The seating area was packed (cool celebrity sighting of the night - Ickey Woods), so we decided on a make-shift picnic in the grass.

I don't think Owen minded too much...