Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mama's Boy or Daddy's Little Man???

I already know the answer to the question posed in the title, but what a better excuse to show off my new favorite picture of Owen? :)  And also show some embarrassing pictures of Justin and me!  I am not quite sure how old Justin is here, but I think I am probably close to the same age as Owen.  He was born 13 days after my birthday, and I am guessing by that awesome thing on my head, the picture was taken somewhere close to Easter, so I am probably close to 4 months - similar to Owen!!  

So, let's hear it, blog you agree with everyone else - is Owen a spitting image of dad, or is that just a teeny tiny hint of mom somewhere...anywhere?!?!  :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wedding weekend

Sorry it's been a little while since our last post - we've had a crazy week and a half.  Last weekend was Owen's first wedding!  Aunt Kristen and Uncle Chris tied the knot in what was an amazing ceremony and amazing reception.  I would LOVE to show you all of the pictures we took (read - how adorable Owen looked), but the camera was conveniently sitting in our hotel room.  Justin and I are still trying to learn how to get both of us ready, get Owen ready, and be on time, and sometimes we forget things - like the camera.  Hey - at least we aren't forgetting Owen!!! :)

Anyway - Kristen and Chris's wedding was really cool and very unique.  Instead of a traditional guestbook, they had a photo both - Kristen and Chris got a copy of the pictures and the guests got to keep a copy.  We took Owen with us in the photo booth and our pictures were really cute! 

We are so excited to have Uncle Chris (officially) in the family!  Aunt Kristen and Uncle Chris are so great to Owen - they will definitely teach him to be better stewards of the earth than mommy and daddy (just as long as their politics don't rub off on him too much!! :)!!!  We need some updated pictures of Owen with Aunt Kristen and Uncle Chris, but here are some of my favorites! 

Aunt Kristen and Owen (1 and 1/2 hours old)

Aunt Kristen and Owen (4 weeks)

Aunt Kristen, Uncle Chris, and Owen (1 and 1/2 weeks)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Funny times with Owen

We had Owen cracking up on Sunday night, and we were lucky enough to catch it on video.  We thought we'd share :)  You'll have to excuse my weird noises - I feel like there are a couple of things moms can get away with without judgement (like wearing sweatpants in public).  Making weird noises to get your baby to laugh is one of those things! :)  Enjoy!  

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

3 month update!

I suppose I can be lame and start out with the obligatory "I can't believe Owen is already 3 months old!", but I really can't believe it!!! I feel like he should still be a tiny little guy that fits in one arm and relies on mom and dad for everything. Now, he is this independent little man that holds up his head, needs to be in size 2 diapers, plays all by himself sometimes, and orders his own Happy Meals (okay...not really)!! I have a feeling I am in for a long 18 years! It has been such an incredible 3 months with Owen...he has been such a joy and changed our lives in such an amazing way!

Now for the fun stuff...some 3 month stats and pics

Weight - 11 lbs 0.5 oz (this was at his 2 month appt. I have a feeling he's quite a bit bigger than this now!)

Height - 23 1/2 inches (this was also at his 2 month appt. I tried to measure him today and he was a touch over 25 inches - he's going to be tall like his daddy!)


  • Owen is getting pretty good at sleeping. He definitely has his nights, but for the most part, he sleeps like a champ. We lay him down somewhere between 8:00 and 8:30. He usually wakes up once to eat, most nights somewhere around 5:00 (although he has been known to make it all the way to 7:00).
  • He still sleeps in mom and dad's room in his bassinet (although he is quite cramped because he's so long). We've been talking about moving him for the past couple of weeks, but it makes me sad :(
  • He still needs to be swaddled to stay asleep. I have a feeling weaning him from swaddling may be difficult - is it acceptable for a 12 year old to still be swaddled??

  • Owen takes his eating VERY seriously. We cannot talk to him while he's eating or he gets frustrated. We cannot talk to anyone else while we are feeding him or he gets frustrated. It's really funny.
  • He eats around 6 ounces at a time (except at night - he only gets 4), around every 3.5 hours. Sometimes it's 3 hours, sometimes it's 4.
  • He burps like a college guy after chugging a pint of beer.


  • Owen still loves his bouncy seat, which is good for me - it's the only way I get to take a shower during the week.

  • After loathing his first activity mat (we are talking SERIOUS pout face), we bought him a new one (thanks to cousin Jonah for sharing his), which he LOVES.

  • Owen loves playtime with daddy. Every evening when Justin gets home from work, he and Owen play together and the smiles never end :)

  • Owen has finally started to like his swing - but only to sleep in :) When he gets really sleepy and fussy we can usually put him in his swing and it will knock him out for a while.

  • Owen likes playing airplane with mommy :)

  • Owen has become quite the drooler!
  • We have started using Owen's Bumbo seat, and he is so stinkin' cute in it! This expression is so Owen - he is so serious and always takes everything in. He is definitely a "thinker" :)