Sunday, August 15, 2010

Reds game

So, we just got back from South Carolina where we had our first family vacation :) We've been on vacations with both of our families since we've had kids, but this was really our first solo trip. It was weird!!! :) I can't believe that we not only have one kid, but TWO!! We had a really great time, and took a TON of pictures. Before I get to those, though, I want to post pictures from Owen's first trip to a Reds game.

A couple of weeks ago, the Reds had a 4:10 start time, which was perfect for taking Owen. He is usually going to bed about the time games normally start. We took Lucas to Justin's mom and dads, and had a date night with Owen - it was so much fun!! He did really great - and saw a Reds victory (he even saw an inside-the-park homerun!)

Walking to the game in style

For the majority of the game, Owen was way more interested in pointing out all of the boats going by on the river.

Taking a couple of minutes to pose with Gapper

Channeling his inner Lou Piniella

Having fun at the Reds game

The night wouldn't have been complete without an ice cream treat!

A valiant effort in capturing a family picture from the lady behind us :)


Our blog said...

He is so cute! What good pictures! I want to hear how SC went with 2 kiddos...we are heading there ourselves in a couple weeks. How did you keep Lucas out of the sun and not too hot? Curious how a 3 month old will do at the beach...are we crazy? Keep the cute pictures coming!

Shelli/Mom/Nama said...

Really good post, Cass! Thanks bunches!
