Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Poison Ivy

For the past TWO AND A HALF WEEKS, I have been plagued with poison ivy. It's the first time I've ever gotten it, and I really hope it's the last. It has been awful!!! One might think I got this terrible case of death by doing something cool like hiking or camping, but NO - doing freaking yard-work on a Saturday afternoon. I really don't like to complain, but it's one of the worst experiences I've had in my life :) I pretty much think I'd rather go through child-birth again than have poison ivy. At least child-birth is relatively short (not two freaking weeks) and you get the best gift in the world as a result. :)

For laughs and giggles, I thought I'd post some pictures I took of myself. I took them with my phone so I could text my family to show them...it's pretty crazy.

For the first week, I kept telling myself..."At least it's not on my face!" Oops - spoke too soon.

My neck

My arm - day 12

The rashes and blisters were on my face, neck, stomach, back, up and down both arms, and finally made its way down my legs this weekend. I am on my second round of steroids from the doctor, and am finally feeling some relief! I think it has also been a little bit of Murphy's law - these past two weeks, we've had two dentist appointments, four doctor's appointments, Justin threw out his back, we took Owen to his first Reds game (my next post, btw...we had so much fun!), we closed on our old house (yay!), and tomorrow Owen, Lucas, and I are flying down to South Carolina. So, my itchy, nasty, poison ivy really couldn't have come at a more stressful/inconvenient time. :)

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