Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Children's Museum of the Lowcountry

We did a lot of really fun stuff throughout our week in Charleston. Tuesday morning, we ventured downtown and went to the Children's Museum of the Lowcountry. We had an interesting time. The museum itself was awesome. It was quite a bit smaller than the children's museum in Cincinnati, but I feel like there was a lot more age-appropriate stuff for Owen to do. There was a water room (um...Owen's very favorite. The kid is OBSESSED with water), a room with a giant pirate ship, a medieval room with a big two-story castle, and a grocery store room.

Check out the awesome apron Mommy and Daddy made me wear

Mom, you're not seriously taking our picture again, are you?!?!

Learning about currents

Jonah was pretty interested in the water, too

So, by the pictures, it may appear like "interesting" isn't necessarily the best word to describe our visit - I mean, it looks like Owen is having a great time! The water room was the first room we played in...we should have just stayed there. We ventured to the pirate ship next. Owen was having a great time climbing up and running around, but at some point, he got knocked down (or fell down, but it's more fun to blame someone else :) and went into MAJOR meltdown mode. I mean, we're talking screaming, crying, kicking. It was awesome. We finally get Owen calmed down and take him into the medieval room...we lose him! Seriously - that little dude is fast and had climbed up the steps, ran around the second level, and climbed back down another way before we could get upstairs. After about five minutes, we finally caught him running through one of the doors. Meanwhile, our precious 10 week old is screaming bloody murder the entire time. :)

It really is a minor miracle we survived!

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