Friday, August 20, 2010

Jonah's Birthday Party

So, the main reason we went to South Carolina last week was for Jonah's 2nd birthday party...I cannot believe that kid is two already!!! Where has the time gone?!?! It was an AWESOME party - Katie had it at a fire station. The fire fighters did a demonstration of putting on all of their gear, they pulled out the truck and raised the ladder, and they even let the kids play with the hose. Basically, it was a little kid's dream :)

Inspecting the outside of the fire truck

Checking out the inside of the fire truck

Cheering on the fireman

Spraying the hose

Now it's Daddy's turn!

Hey, what's up there?

It's the ladder!!

Jonah wasn't thrilled about everyone singing "Happy Birthday" :)

He was, however, VERY excited about his new guitar!

Lucas was in very good hands (inside, out of the heat!)

Happy Birthday to Jonah!!

1 comment:

KARRIE said...

Love these pics, Cass. Your whole fam is so cute!