We are reluctantly back to normal here in Cincinnati. We had a great vacation, and took lots of pictures! We also had a little scare with Owen and had to take him to urgent care (he was coughing A LOT and not able to catch his breath), but an upper respiratory infection diagnosis and some antibiotics later, and he is back to normal (almost).
We played at the pool, played at the mall on a few rainy days, and visited the Miami children's museum. One of the highlights of our trip was meeting Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Myers at the Rainforest Cafe for dinner one night. Owen was completely mesmerized by the restaurant! We had a great time, and even got in the photo booth with Owen.
I'll try to get some more pictures up soon...I just thought I'd share this one, because I love it! :)
Love the photos - you guys are so cute!!! Can I request a photo of your cute preggo belly?!
Really cute pictures!!!!
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