Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I am shocked I am actually following through with a blog promise! As I said, here are side-by-side (or top and bottom) pictures of Owen (at 28 weeks) and Baby Myers #2 (at 24 weeks).

It was REALLY hard to get a good picture of Owen. He was being a stinker and wouldn't move. In fact, we only ended up with profile pictures! We got a lot of great images of Baby Myers #2, although it was difficult to capture them, because he was moving so much! There is definitely a difference in the way they act in the womb. I am getting super excited to get to know Baby Myers #2 outside :)

So...here they are. I don't really think they look that much alike, but it's kind of hard to tell since Owen's is a profile and Baby Myers #2 is straight on. We've heard mixed reviews, though. Some people think they look a lot alike, and some don't. What's your thoughts??


Baby Myers #2

1 comment:

katie said...

Yay!!! I'm so excited you put these up!!! I've been dying to see a comparison!

That being said my vote is - No. I don't think they look alike!

I can't wait to meet Nephew Myers #2!!!