Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh, Charleston

Last week, Owen and I spent the week in SUNNY South Carolina. The weather was gorgeous, and definitely a nice change from Cincinnati...

Our back deck before we left

The warm weather was definitely a nice change for Owen. He LOVES to be outside. He laughs and squeals every time we go get the mail! In SC, we went to a couple of parks, went for walks, and got to swing (although apparently Owen doesn't remember how much he loves to swing, because he was definitely scared this time)!

Getting to play outside!!

Jonah showing Owen his soccer skills

I would have to say the biggest "hit" of the trip for Owen, however, was Caesar and Callie - Aunt Katie and Uncle Ben's two golden retrievers. I was a little nervous as to how Owen would react to the dogs. We don't have a pet, and Owen isn't really around dogs very often, so I was worried they might scare him. I think he was the one doing the scaring most of the time! He LOVED them...he laughed every time he saw them, loved playing in their water bowls, and even liked trying out their food. :)

Fun with Caesar and Callie

We had a great time while we were gone. We missed Daddy like crazy, but we got to talk to him on Skype a few times. Katie and I have been very fortunate to have been able to visit each other quite a bit this past year. It has been great for our boys, and great for us as well! We realized this will probably be our last time getting together for a while. Niece Newton is due at the end of March, and with Baby Myers #2 shortly following, we came to the conclusion it might be kind of difficult traveling with toddlers and babies!

Cousin love

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