Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day

It snowed this week in Cincinnati! It really was only like 6 inches, but you would have thought it was 6 feet the way people around here was hilarious! Schools were cancelled...before it even started snowing! Grocery stores ran out of milk and bread! We're talking SIX INCHES, people!!!

As much as I truly despise the cold weather, I was actually excited about this snowfall. Any excuse to stay inside in our pajamas all day is alright in my book! It was also the first time it has snowed since Owen has been old enough to "enjoy" it. Thursday afternoon, we took the opportunity to introduce Owen to playing in the snow! It took me 30 minutes to get Owen bundled up...we maybe lasted 7 minutes outside :)

Surprise, surprise...we have no pictures. Justin took Owen outside as I ran upstairs to grab the camera. The battery was dead. Ugh - I was so ticked. Instead, we have some video!

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