Friday, October 1, 2010

3 month pics

I know, I am really really behind. It is just really hard to find time to blog...I think I am going to have to cut out MY nap time :) But, seriously - Lucas is still getting up like two or three times during the night. Luckily, I have an AMAZING husband, who takes turns getting up with me, but it's wearing us out. So, I typically take a nap when the boys are napping in the afternoon. :)

Lucas is now four months old (crazy!!!) and growing so much. He's HUGE, actually...17 lbs 5.5 oz!! I think Owen was that weight around 11 months. He is so sweet, and with the exception of not sleeping that great, he is a great baby! He smiles and laughs and talks to and at everything. He even laughs and talks to us when he is up at 4:30 makes it hard to be frustrated. :) He's a great eater (although he does spit up A LOT - he's on medicine for acid reflux and that's helping). Owen is finally starting to come around and pay a little more attention to him. He gives Lucas a kiss every night before bed, and he has even started tickling Lucas :)

Here are a few of his three month pictures...

1 comment:

Our blog said...

Oh my gosh he has grown so much! I'm glad you posted pictures even though it cuts into nap time:) I seriously have that debate with myself every day when Drew sleeps (should I sleep or be productive...) You look like you are handling 2 boys so well!