Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Weather

I have been LOVING this fall weather. While I am excited for the cold weather to come (mainly so I can put the boys in their super cute winter clothes), we have been taking advantage of the warm weather and playing outside a lot!

Hello, blue eyes

We (and by "we", I mean "Justin") raked a few weekends ago, and we (again "we" = "Justin") left a pile at the bottom of our slide. Owen thinks it's super fun to slide down the slide into the pile of leaves.

Blowing on the "hot" leaf (!?!?!)...crazy toddlers!

Owen has been really cute with Lucas lately. He definitely still ignores him for the most part, but there are what I hope to be glimpses of their future relationship :)

Hey Lucas, check this out!

Thanks for showing me how to play with my toys, Owen!

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