So, first things first...I got bored with the white background, so I thought I'd change it up a bit. :)
Secondly - I have the cutest little guy ever...
Now...what you really came to read about...the kiddos. :) Things here are going alright. It has been a challenging few weeks, as I am sure you can imagine. We have had some definite high points - Aunt Katie, Jonah and Elsie visiting for a few days (with my mom and dad), and some definite low points - Owen watching The Lion King for the fifth time in two days while Lucas is screaming his head off for three straight hours. Although, I must say that every time Owenwatches The Lion King, he always claps very enthusiastically at the end of the song "Circle of Life". It is freaking hilarious.
The week after Lucas was born, my mom and dad, and Katie, Jonah, and Elsie came to stay with us for a few days. It was AWESOME having them all here. Jonah and Owen actually played together relatively well, considering they are 19 and 23 months old. My mom and dad were able to hang out with them quite a bit...taking them to do fun things like the zoo and swimming! It was really nice because Owen wasn't sitting at home plotting his murder attempt on Lucas for taking away his mommy and daddy.
The Fab Four
Maybe if I pinch your nose, you'll stop crying.
Owen likes his cousin Elsie
We also took a lot of "update" pictures while the Newton clan was in town. For example...
Owen and Jonah taking a bath (May 2009)
Owen and Jonah taking a bath (June 2010). It amazes me how much they change and how fast they do it!
We also have this one...
Jonah meeting cousin Owen for the first time (Dec 2008 - Jonah 4 1/2 months, Owen 2 1/2 weeks)
Elsie meeting cousin Lucas for the first time (June 2010 - Elsie 3 months, Lucas 1 week)
I know, I know...I'm a big fat dork. I hope to really start getting some more posts up soon. It took me about a week and half to finish this one, so we'll see how things go...
1 comment:
That is SO much fun that those 4 boys are so close in age..think of the fun (and mischievous) time ahead for you all! Congrats on your little one! He is too cute!
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