Thursday, June 10, 2010

More Lucas

We have had quite the past two weeks! Everyone is doing well, and hopefully one day soon I'll have the chance to update you all in more detail...we are still trying to figure out this two-kids-under-18-months deal! In the meantime, I thought I'd post Lucas's "official" hospital pictures for your viewing pleasure. Owen had hospital pictures taken, but they were just of him in his bassinet, and we never saw them after the initial viewing. :( These are super cute :)


Emily H said...

Those are great pictures! He looks a lot like Owen (at least like Owen does now, I don't know about when he was a newborn.) We'll have to come visit when things settle down a bit for see your house and your new baby! :)

Krista said...

He is so cute!! :) The picture of Justin and Lucas nose to nose is adorable! Hope you guys are doing well!

KARRIE said...

AWESOME pics, wow! The kissing one is my fav.

Our blog said...

Congratulations Cassie! I think he looks like you! Such sweet pictures:)