Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pout Perfection

I think I may have mentioned Owen's "pout face" before. When he cries, he makes the worst face ever and sticks out his bottom lip. He has done this since he was like one month old and still does it now!!!

Pouting at 1 month

Pouting with his friend Cooper at 5 weeks

Now that Owen is a wise 14-month old, he has perfected his pout. His smart little mind has realized that when he pouts, he gets a pretty nice reaction from Mommy and/or Daddy. He now pouts on purpose to get what he wants. It's really ridiculous, but also really cute!


After Mommy won't let him play with the camera:

Immediately following:


Shawna said...

That is ADORABLE Cassie!!!!!

Aunt Kristen said...

I have just discovered that I have not been on the blog in close to 2 months! This was posted Feb. 16 and I haven't seen it. I think I went on on Valentine's Day but that's ridiculous - what kind of Aunt am I?!?

Sorry Little Buddy! I promise I love you more than that would suggest!