Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Day at the Museum

It was actually more like "An Hour at the Museum", but we still had fun! For my birthday, Aunt Kristen and Uncle Chris got us a family pass to the Cincinnati Museum Center, and it's so nice to be able to go just for an hour or so and not feel like you've wasted $10! This week, I took Owen to the Children's museum again...and this time, I actually remembered a camera!! Even though the forecast calling for a massive snowstorm kept a lot of people away, we still had a great time.

*Small disclaimer: I suck at using our small camera. I apologize for the awful pictures. I think from now on, I will just lug our big DSLR camera with me.

Climbing up the rope wall

It's pretty cool up here!

Oh no! I've been caught! Driving this tractor is fun.

Owen, the big baddie, walking up the ramp by himself.

Playing in the sand - although, he had way more fun throwing it on the floor...and in his hair!

Like at home, Owen had the most fun pushing things. At the museum, he pushed the grocery cart, a lawn mower, and a baby stroller with a doll. He's going to be a great big brother!

Hmmm...How am I going to get this down the stairs?!?!

Wrapping up the day the right way - with a peanut butter and honey sandwich and some grapes. Yummy!

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