Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Our 2nd Easter with Owen was like any holiday normally is - busy, but great! We started out the weekend by spending time with Justin's family at the lake on Saturday morning. It was crazy...good crazy, but still crazy! Right now there are 11 kids - 5 of them are under 2!

Saturday afternoon, we headed to Columbus to spend some time with my family. We went to church with my parents on Sunday. Owen looked so handsome! I think I may be a little partial, but he was by far the cutest kid at church :) We didn't get any pictures with our good camera (I know, I know...we are terrible parents!), so you'll just have to take my word for it.

After Owen's nap, we went to Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Misner's house for dinner and an Easter egg hunt. Owen caught on really quickly and had a great time picking up the eggs from the backyard!

There's an Easter egg!!

Putting it in the basket

Hey! Here's another one!

Checking out the loot

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