Things for mom and dad are going alright, too. I am getting increasingly uncomfortable. Not a day goes by without Justin making fun of my "Darth Vader breathing". I also have had to move my wedding ring to a necklace because my fingers got too fat last weekend. I actually had to put my hand in the freezer for about 2 minutes in order to get my ring off! It totally freaked me out, so I decided I didn't want to take any chances after that! We finally started childbirth classes last night! We learned some interesting things, and it was awesome watching Justin have to put on the pregnancy belly! We found out that we are totally slacker parents-to-be, though. Our due date is in three weeks - everyone else's was like the middle of January (one was even in March!!). We have two more weeks of the class, so hopefully we'll make it through the rest - next week's is by far the most important, I think - pain management!! :)
We actually do have some semi-big baby news to share. We have (finally) narrowed down our name choice! We have at least a Final Four, and most likely a Final Two! Unfortunately for you all, we aren't sharing :) It has taken us a very stressful, head-spinning 37 weeks to even narrow our name search, so we don't want to be swayed by second-guessed looks on the faces of our family and friends if we were to share. :) I will give you two small hints - one of the names is from our previous name post , and the other is a new name.
And last but not least, because our little guy is not here to dote on yet, I am going to dote on my unbelievably adorable nephew, Jonah :) He's growing up so fast - I can't wait for him and Little buddy to play together!
Jonah rocked the vote - or at least made sure his mommy did! :)
Such a smiley, happy baby!
Jonah at the pumpkin patch
The cutest turtle in the world!
This is the stupidest post EVER!!! You can't be a tease and tell us you narrowed your names down, but not tell us! LAME... Grrrr
3 Things:
1. Co-lin
Co-lin (in my best football chant voice)
2. Jonah is absolutely precious.
3. I "missed" a call from Ohio today on my cell. As soon as I saw it I frantically dialed my voice mail because I was sure it was someone calling with baby Myers news. Nope, it was someone calling and asking me to vote for some Senator. Poop. I'm excited to hear about that baby's birth! But don't think that means you have to add me to your long call list when you have baby news. But you can if you want to, I won't mind :)
xoxoxoxo... thinking about you!!!!
Love, Karrie
what katie says!!!!!!
Since you know we never do anything in a timely fashion, we didn't want to disappoint you with providing our list of suggestions prior to Little Buddy's due date. As you know, we've been working on these for quite some time so in true Dave-Myers-wait-until-there's-a-decision-made-and-then-offer-some-alternatives-fashion, here are some names we think you should consider (in no particular order):
Asa (pronounced ay-suh)
Bristol (Chris' suggestion...with Squibb for the middle name)
Cade (could be short for Arcade!) Able (Chris' #1 choice)
Gus (could be short for August or Augustin or Augustus)
Saul or Solomon (Sol)
Otis, middle name Spunk
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