Thursday, December 31, 2009


This was the first year we got Owen's picture taken with Santa...and I could not have been more thrilled! Although, I suppose it would be funny to have a picture to look back on where Owen was screaming and you could see the look of terror on his face, but I am really excited about the way it turned out! I will admit, though - I was really worried. Owen has been going through a bit of a "I want mommy all of the time" phase, and I just didn't know how that would bode for Santa. He was fascinated with Santa's (real!) beard, so after that, he was set! He just needed mommy and daddy acting like fools off to the side to get a good smile, and there you have it...a perfect first picture with Santa!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

O Christmas Tree

With the exception of last year (you know, newborn baby and all), since Justin and I have been married, we have made it a tradition to go out with Justin's family and pick out real Christmas trees. The place we have gone to in the past was the "lazy man's version" of a Christmas tree farm - you pick out your tree, point it out to the workers, and they come and cut it down for you with a chainsaw, tag it, and drill it into your stand for you by your car :) For those of you who may not know me very well...that's my type of place!!

Unfortunately, that place is really far from where we live now, and for the sake of not having Owen in the car for two unnecessary hours, we went somewhere "real". We had to do the work. Let me rephrase that...Justin had to do all the work. A few weeks ago, we went out with Grandma and Grandpa Myers, and Aunt Kristen and Uncle Chris to pick out trees. Despite the cold temperatures and the early start, we had a great time. We piled Owen up in about thirteen layers of clothes, but he really had a great time!

Ready to pick out some trees!!

Resembling Randy from A Christmas Story...he could barely move!

The Myers family and our tree*

Kisses from mommy always helps the cold

Kisses from daddy never hurt, either!

Owen was way more interested in the cat than picking out the tree

One wiped out little dude

* Our Christmas tree did not survive very long in Casa de Myers. It currently resides in the Yard de Myers. My allergies got progressively worse and worse once we got the tree home, so it was soon replaced with a fake tree that brings out no allergic reactions from me, has no bristles to clean up, and there is no chance of a rabid squirrel coming out and attacking us all :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

It's Party Time

A few weeks ago, we had Owen's first birthday party. It was a great time with friends and family. He wasn't really too sure about the cake. He never really dug in too much - he kind of prissily (I am not sure that's a word) picked at it until we decided that was enough. He had a blast opening presents, though! He got a lot of great gifts that have completely overtaken our house! We are so blessed to have so many friends and family that love Owen so much!

I guess since Christmas is officially over and I am just now getting around to posting Owen's birthday party pictures, I may post Christmas pictures sometime in March! :)

You mean, I get to eat this?!?!

Power to the people!

Let's tear into these presents!

Um, Dad, I'm one now. I can do it by myself!

Surrounded by lots of cool stuff

Pushing around his cool new bee

Playing with his favorite "toy" of the afternoon...Great-Grandpa Myers' walker!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Owen!!!

So, this post is obviously a little late (one week, to be exact). Owen's 1st birthday came and went a week ago. It was pretty emotional for me - I think I cried about five or six times! I just can't believe it's already been one year!! It's just crazy!

Here is Owen the day he was born...

Here is Owen exactly one year later...

Holy cow...what a difference a year makes!! We had a pretty rocking party for Owen a few days after his soon as I can get a chance to download our pictures, I will try to get some posted :)