I can't believe we only have four more weeks...it is so crazy! Hopefully if Little buddy is a tiny bit cooperative it will be less than four weeks, but we shall see :) I had another doctor's appointment today, and other than being about 3,000 degrees in the office (why do they do that in an office that predominantly sees pregnant ladies?!?!) things went really well. Still no dilation (boo) but the doctor indicated that Little buddy had dropped quite a bit and was very low, which was exciting. It also explains why every time I stand up, I totally feel like I am going to pee my pants! Our little guy had a good strong heartbeat (about 150 bpm), and the doctor said everything was looking good! Now if we could just get on with the dilation and effacement!!! :)
This weekend Justin and I took advantage of having absolutely nothing to do (it was the first weekend since the last weekend of AUGUST that we've had nothing going on) to get some baby stuff done and do some yard work. We raked (yuck!) and Justin mowed for hopefully the last time. Doing yard work really depresses me, because our yard is a piece of crap. When we bought our house, the yard was one of my favorite things about it. The grass was so green and thick, and it was so beautifully landscaped. It seemed as though we'd have to try to mess it up...
It's hard to tell from this picture, but there were beautiful lillies, clematis, coreopsis, and a lot of hostas. Fast-forward two summers later, and the grass is dead; the flowers are still there somewhat, but they have very little color. To be fair to ourselves, Justin doesn't get much help from me in the domestic department (I can't cook, I am not real handy in the yard, etc.) and we've had a lot of help from some little, and not-so-little critters. We had a huge mole problem, which completely destroyed our front and most of our backyard. We have a large family of shrews that have made our landscaped area their home for the past year, and we have a ton of deer that enjoy eating our hostas. In our backyard, we had four or five giant hostas (I am sure there is some official plant name for them - we just call them "the big giant hostas") that no longer exist because the deer have eaten them all!
I am too embarrassed to show a "now" picture (yes, I will show you a bare-bellied, 31-weeks pregnant picture, but no yard picture!), but Justin and I made it our goal next year to bring our yard back to its glory days! We are really just hoping to make our front yard presentable again, and we want to get the back yard in swing-set condition for this little guy that is about to grace us with his presence. :)